Auguste Hervieu

Standard Name: Hervieu, Auguste


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Frances Trollope
It took several years for the Trollopes' financial difficulties to turn into a financial catastrophe, and during those years, FT entertained many friends and acquaintances, including Lady Milman , whose husband had been Queen Charlotte
Friends, Associates Frances Trollope
The house at Harrow continued to see social gatherings, amateur theatrical productions, and the company of literary and artistic guests. FT also continued to take in those who had fled to England from the Continent...
Leisure and Society Frances Trollope
Though FT had been a popular person in the places where she had lived in England, she did not fare as well with the American elite. Heineman suggests that the combination of her highly visible...
Occupation Frances Trollope
In 1828 FT grew acquainted with Joseph Dorfeuille , a French naturalist and the curator of the Western Museum of Cincinnati , whose collection of Indian artefacts and other local and natural interests struck her...
Occupation Frances Trollope
Her next idea was an exhibition of Dante 's Infernal Regions. Hervieu painted the scenes, and the museum's own wax manipulator, Hiram Powers , created the figures.
Hiram Powers later became a celebrated sculptor...
Occupation Frances Trollope
After her husband arrived, he provided FT with funds he had somehow scraped together in order to buy the lands, lay prospects on the shipping of goods from Europe, and pay the construction cost for...
Occupation Frances Trollope
Back in England, in the winter of 1833-1834 most of the Trollope family suffered from influenza, and FT grew greatly concerned for the health of her children, particularly Henry , Cecilia , and Emily, who...
Residence Frances Trollope
She still had not heard from her husband by May, though she had sent him nine letters. The travellers were without money. Henry , finding himself overworked and frustrated at the disorder of the commune...
Residence Frances Trollope
She visited Ostend, Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, and the battlefield of Waterloo. She also visited Charlemagne 's cathedral at Aiz-la-Chapelle or Aachen, as well as the Rhine and surrounding region...
Residence Frances Trollope
FT had moved from Bruges to Paris with her husband, her daughters, and her close friend Auguste Hervieu .
Trollope, Frances Eleanor. Frances Trollope: Her Life and Literary Work from George III to Victoria. AMS Press.
I: 234-5
Travel Frances Trollope
Whether or not Frances Wright 's utopian colony was FT 's chosen final destination, the decision to leave it came swiftly after her arrival. She and her travelling companions were disappointed by the conditions at...
Wealth and Poverty Frances Trollope
When Hervieu decided to try his luck in Washington, FT decided to accompany him. One of her oldest friends, Anna Maria Stone , lived just ten miles from the capital. FT took lodgings for...
Wealth and Poverty Frances Trollope
FT was struck again with malaria in autumn 1830 and as Hervieu was unable to help them this time, she continued to write to her husband asking for funds for her and her daughters to...
Wealth and Poverty Frances Trollope
Facing destitution, and perhaps feeling unsure of her husband's ability to support the family, FT decided to take her two daughters, Cecilia and Emily , sixteen-year-old Henry , Auguste Hervieu , two servants, and most...


No timeline events available.


Trollope, Frances et al. Domestic Manners of the Americans. Whittaker, Treacher, 1832.
Trollope, Frances, and Auguste Hervieu. The Life and Adventures of Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw. Richard Bentley , 1836.
Trollope, Frances, and Auguste Hervieu. The Vicar of Wrexhill. Richard Bentley, 1837.