Henry Trollope

Standard Name: Trollope, Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Trollope
FT 's son Henry died after enduring a long illness.
Heineman, Helen. Mrs. Trollope: The Triumphant Feminine in the Nineteenth Century. Ohio University Press.
Material Conditions of Writing Frances Trollope
After the fiasco with Whittaker , FT began shopping around for a new publishing house in the winter of 1834. This proved difficult, and she was rejected several times before Richard Bentley opted to publish...
Occupation Frances Trollope
Back in England, in the winter of 1833-1834 most of the Trollope family suffered from influenza, and FT grew greatly concerned for the health of her children, particularly Henry , Cecilia , and Emily, who...
Residence Frances Trollope
She still had not heard from her husband by May, though she had sent him nine letters. The travellers were without money. Henry , finding himself overworked and frustrated at the disorder of the commune...
Residence Frances Trollope
She visited Ostend, Bruges, Ghent, Antwerp, and the battlefield of Waterloo. She also visited Charlemagne 's cathedral at Aiz-la-Chapelle or Aachen, as well as the Rhine and surrounding region...
Textual Production Anthony Trollope
AT 's Autobiography was published in the year after his death; he had left the manuscript to his son Henry , with a letter explaining that the decision whether to publish it was up to...
Travel Frances Trollope
Whether or not Frances Wright 's utopian colony was FT 's chosen final destination, the decision to leave it came swiftly after her arrival. She and her travelling companions were disappointed by the conditions at...
Wealth and Poverty Frances Trollope
During the autumn of 1827, FT again visited Paris to spend time with her son Henry , who had been working there in a counting-house ever since his father had decided to remove him from...
Wealth and Poverty Frances Trollope
Facing destitution, and perhaps feeling unsure of her husband's ability to support the family, FT decided to take her two daughters, Cecilia and Emily , sixteen-year-old Henry , Auguste Hervieu , two servants, and most...


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