Nathaniel Parker Willis

Standard Name: Willis, Nathaniel Parker


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Fanny Fern
FF's elder brother Nathaniel Parker Willis won distinction as a journalist, poet, and editor.
Walker, Nancy A. Fanny Fern. Twayne, 1993.
5-6, 17
Friends, Associates Harriet Jacobs
HJ's friendships with white people have left traces behind them; her friendships with black people have not. When she arrived in Rochester in 1849, HJ stayed briefly with Amy Post, a white Quaker...
Literary responses Fanny Fern
Henry Fothergill Chorley (who wrote reviews of both the first and second editions of Fern Leaves from Fanny's Portfolio, identifying FF as the sister of N. P. Willis in the first and apparently forgetting...
Publishing Harriet Jacobs
When Jacobs approached Phillips and Sampson, publishers, they would take her book only with a preface from someone known to the public, either Harriet Beecher Stowe or Nathaniel Willis. Her second choice, Thayer and Eldridge
Textual Features Harriet Jacobs
HJ uses fictitious names for others in her story besides herself. Her owner James Norcom appears as Dr Flint, her lover Samuel Tredwell Sawyer as Mr Sands, and her employer Nathaniel Parker Willis as Mr...


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