Samuel Tredwell Sawyer

Standard Name: Sawyer, Samuel Tredwell


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Harriet Jacobs
Norcom was bent on exploiting her sexually, but having failed to secure a future with the black man she loved, she chose for herself the lesser evil, and became the mistress of a then unmarried...
Family and Intimate relationships Harriet Jacobs
HJ's two children were born into slavery, though their white father, Samuel Tredwell Sawyer, was not then their owner. Her son, Joseph, panned for gold in the California Gold Rush after he was...
Textual Features Harriet Jacobs
HJ uses fictitious names for others in her story besides herself. Her owner James Norcom appears as Dr Flint, her lover Samuel Tredwell Sawyer as Mr Sands, and her employer Nathaniel Parker Willis as Mr...


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