Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Sarah Lewis
Standard Name: Lewis, Sarah
, an obscure woman publishing in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century, is known only by two texts: a book about gender issues and women's moral influence for good, and an article that sought to raise the status of governesses.
's father was a Cuban of both Spanish and English heritage, while her mother was descended from one of the early American families. Sarah herself was American. Her father's independent wealth ensured her early...
Intertextuality and Influence
Marion Reid
Her criticism of Lewis
's text is sharp and searing: The writer of Woman's Mission has insisted very much on the conceit—for we can call it nothing else—of giving power to man, and influence to...
Intertextuality and Influence
Frances Power Cobbe
This is a social progressivist argument, trading in chauvinistic notions of British cultural and racial superiority, and strongly dependent on the notion of inherited proclivities as well as faith in social systems as shapers of...
Literary responses
Marion Reid
Scholar Margaret McFadden
notes that this work was tremendously successful, particularly in the United States, where it went through five editions between 1847 and 1852. The 1847 edition and all ensuing versions were printed...
Textual Production
George Eliot
Many early extant letters of GE
's date from her unhappy, adolescent, Evangelical period, and have a tone of self-righteousness and censoriousness of others and of herself which is not pleasant to modern readers. In...
Textual Production
Marion Reid
One source suggests that A Plea was Reid's alarmed response to the popularity of Sarah Lewis
's Woman's Mission (1839).
Helsinger, Elizabeth K. et al. The Woman Question. Garland, 1983.
1: 14
“Melvyl Catalogue of the University of California Libraries”. California Digital Library (CDL).
suggests that Lewis founds her argument upon a most insufficient theory.
Reid, Marion, and Susanne Ferguson. A Plea for Woman. Polygon, 1988.
No timeline events available.
Lewis, Sarah. “On the Social Position of Governesses”. Fraser’s Magazine, Vol.
, 1848, pp. 411-14.
Lewis, Sarah. Woman’s Mission. J. W. Parker, 1839.
Lewis, Sarah. Woman’s Mission. William Crosby, 1840.
Lewis, Sarah. Woman’s Mission. Willis P. Hazard, 1854.