Sir Michael Levey

Standard Name: Levey, Sir Michael


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Brigid Brophy
A reprint in the Virago Modern Classics series, 1990, carries BB 's new afterword. The title-page quotes Rosalind in Shakespeare 's As You Like It: men have died from time to time and worms...
Family and Intimate relationships Brigid Brophy
BB , on her twenty-fifth birthday, married art historian Michael Levey , who later became Director of the National Gallery and who was knighted in 1981.
Brophy, Brigid. “Afterword”. The King of a Rainy Country, Virago, 1990.
Murdoch, Iris. Living on Paper. Editors Horner, Avril and Ann Rowe, Chatto and Windus, 2015.
Health Brigid Brophy
She describes how she was helped to recovery by her husband, Michael Levey , her daughter, and a female fellow writer.
Brophy, Brigid. Baroque-’n’-Roll. Hamish Hamilton, 1987.
Health Brigid Brophy
BB suffered the debilitations of this disease for the last fifteen years of her life. Her husband resigned from his position as Director of the National Gallery to take care of her. She became what...
Occupation Brigid Brophy
BB set up this group with four other writers including her husband . She said she took this on because she feared that the Society of Authors was mishandling a project which was originally her...
Textual Production Brigid Brophy
BB published, with Michael Levey (her husband) and Charles Osborne , Fifty Works of English and American Literature We Could Do Without.
Brown, Susan Windisch, editor. Contemporary Novelists. 6th ed., St James Press, 1996.


No timeline events available.


Levey, Sir Michael. “A Brief Sidelight on Brigid Brophy and the origins of the ALCS”. ALCS News, Vol.
, p. 9.
Brophy, Brigid et al. Fifty Works of English and American Literature We Could Do Without. Rapp and Carroll, 1967.