Anna Maria Bennett

Standard Name: Bennett, Anna Maria
Birth Name: Anna Maria Evans
Married Name: Anna Maria Bennett
Used Form: Mrs Bennett
Used Form: the author of Anna
AMB 's novels are remarkably bold for the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century (as well as skilful) in their handling of controversial sexual and social themes (like class issues, and sexual abuse). Her works, however, grew increasingly long-winded, perhaps under the pressure of the need to earn. They are a virtual anthology of the favoured motifs of the sentimental novel, yet they are also rich in almost Dickensian satire.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Margaret Croker
The work was printed in London by Lloyd and Booth , and dedicated to the Duchess of York (who also patronised Anna Maria Bennett and Isabella Kelly ).
Friends, Associates Eliza Parsons
Evidence of friendship between these two novelists is interesting because Parsons was a model of respectability while association with Robinson could potentially damage another woman's reputation. At this date Robinson (who had only another five...
Friends, Associates Mary Robinson
MR remained devoted to the idea of female friendship. She met the artist Maria Cosway in France and they became firm friends. In her last months she wrote to the novelist Elizabeth Gunning to sympathise...
Intertextuality and Influence Mrs F. C. Patrick
The narrative is at first somewhat flat-footed in its insistence that this is not a novel, but it acquires further flavour whenever the old gentleman telling it becomes self-referential. His daughter, he says, acts the...
Literary responses Eliza Nugent Bromley
Peterson has pointed out that this novel is probably as much a target in Austen 's Love and Freindship as is its predecessor. It received, however, very different reviews (the Analytical's probably written by...
Publishing Helena Wells
It was issued by Cadell and Davies , with title-page reference to The Step-Mother and a quotation from Akenside on virtue as a source of happiness. HW 's preface, composed while living in Westminster...
Textual Features Anna Maria Mackenzie
AMM 's opening address To the Readers of Modern Romance says that ancient romance was put paid to by the new source of amusement . . . struck out by Henry Fielding and Richardson (to...
Textual Features Mary Julia Young
MJY 's poem, in fast-moving heroic couplets, opens with Genius invoking the aid of Fancy. Fancy insists that the most beautiful and versatile of the muses is Thalia (who presides over comedy). After urging the...
Textual Features Mary Julia Young
MJY foregrounds her own friendship with Anna Maria Crouch, and finds room for such details as the opinions of Crouch's father, Peregrine Phillips , about novelists: he admired Charlotte Smith , Anna Maria Bennett ,...
Textual Production Eliza Parsons
She gave her name as Mrs. Parsons on the title-page and signed the dedication with both her names.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press, 2000, 2 vols.
1: 512
A title-page epigraph reads: Brutus said Virtue was but a name—tis more. ....
Textual Production Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
There was published by W. Mason in two volumes The Spectre of Lanmere Abbey, or The Mystery of the Blue and Silver Bag; A Romance, with SSW 's name.
Her name appears, as usual...


1769: The Town and Country Magazine; or Universal...

Building item


The Town and Country Magazine; or Universal Repository of Knowledge, Instruction, and Entertainment began publication; it ran until 1795.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

15 February 1791: The actress Harriet Pye Esten (daughter of...

Writing climate item

15 February 1791

The actress Harriet Pye Esten (daughter of novelist Anna Maria Bennett ) gave a highly successful recitation at Covent Garden Theatre of William Collins 's Ode on the Passions.
Maycock, Christopher. A Passionate Poet: Susanna Blamire, 1747-94: A Biography. Hypatia, 2003.

August 1813: The Critical Review published its first welcome...

Writing climate item

August 1813

The Critical Review published its first welcome to Eaton Stannard Barrett 's famous parody of sentimental novels, The Heroine, or Adventures of the Fair Romance Reader.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
4th ser. 4 (1813): 223, 623-9
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.


Bennett, Anna Maria. Agnes De-Courci. S. Hazard, 1789, 4 vols.
Bennett, Anna Maria. Anna. Minerva Press, 1785, 4 vols.
Bennett, Anna Maria. Ellen, Countess of Castle Howel. Minerva Press, 1794, 4 vols.
Bennett, Anna Maria. Juvenile Indiscretions. Minerva Press, 1786, 5 vols.
Bennett, Anna Maria. The Beggar Girl and Her Benefactors. Minerva Press, 1797, 7 vols.
Bennett, Anna Maria. Vicissitudes Abroad. Minerva Press, 1806, 6 vols.