Andrew Millar

Standard Name: Millar, Andrew


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Material Conditions of Writing Charlotte Lennox
CL performed this difficult task under pressure of financial need. Her husband helped by compiling the index. When she had finished the work she appealed to Andrew Millar for support: Alexander spent three weeks hiding...
Publishing Frances Sheridan
In Garrick 's absence in France, it was produced by George Colman .
Sheridan, Frances. “Introduction”. The Plays of Frances Sheridan, edited by Richard Hogan and Jerry C. Beasley, University of Delaware Press, pp. 13-35.
It ran for only three nights, though after the first performance FS hastily rewrote passages in act four. The meagre single...
Textual Production Sarah Fielding
SF 's The History of the Countess of Dellwyn was published in an edition of a thousand copies by Andrew Millar , and printed by Samuel Richardson .
Sabor, Peter, and Sarah Fielding. “Introduction”. The Adventures of David Simple and Volume the Last, University Press of Kentucky, p. vii - xli.
Textual Production Sarah Scott
SS changed her publisher back to MillarAndrew Millar for The History of Sir George Ellison, a sequel to Millenium Hall.
Rizzo, Betty, and Sarah Scott. “Introduction”. The History of Sir George Ellison, University Press of Kentucky, p. ix - xlv.


1729: The publisher Andrew Millar, a Scotsman,...

Writing climate item


The publisher Andrew Millar , a Scotsman, established his printing house at 141 The Strand, London.

About 1739: The young Scotsman William Strahan became...

Writing climate item

About 1739

The young Scotsman William Strahan became a partner in the publishing firm of his compatriot Andrew Millar .

1767: The elder Thomas Cadell took over Andrew...

Writing climate item


The elder Thomas Cadell took over Andrew Millar 's publishing firm on Millar's retirement.

20 April 1769: In Millar vs. Taylor the Court of King's...

Writing climate item

20 April 1769

In Millar vs. Taylor the Court of King's Bench confirmed the continuing existence of perpetual copyright: a decision overturned five years later by Donaldson vs. Becket.


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