Martha Vicinus

Standard Name: Vicinus, Martha


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Florence Nightingale
Towards the end of this period of involvement with Catholicism , FN received a second call from God, directing her to devote her life entirely to him. She apparently experienced similar calls in 1850, 1853...
Health Florence Nightingale
After the war she suffered from various illnesses, including physical and mental exhaustion. At thirty-six she was basically an invalid, who spent her remaining years working and writing in isolation at home, her main contact...
Literary responses Dorothy Bussy
Apart from her familial and social connections, it is for Olivia that DB is most frequently noted in literary criticism and biography. In Distance and Desire: English Boarding-School Friendships (1984), Martha Vicinus observes that Olivia...
Literary responses Emily Faithfull
Historian Martha Vicinus reads EF 's novel as a keyed text in which Faithfull cast herself as a man in order to speak and do in public what might be considered improper for a woman—the...
Other Life Event Emily Faithfull
The court ruled in favour of Sir Henry Codrington. The entry on him in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography does not mention the divorce case, though it mentions that he married again within five...
Publishing George Egerton
This collection initially went through four editions in a year. It has been reprinted together with its predecessor, as Keynotes & Discords, by Virago (1983, with an introduction by Martha Vicinus ) and by...
Textual Production Florence Nightingale
Martha Vicinus edited Ever Yours, Florence Nightingale : Selected Letters (reprinted in 1990).
British Library Catalogue.


1851-2: Chartist Ernest Jones published in the National...

Writing climate item


ChartistErnest Jones published in the National Instructor a series of tales called Women's Wrongs, published as an episodic novel in 1855.


Vicinus, Martha. “A Usable Past”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 14-15.
Vicinus, Martha. “Distance and Desire: English Boarding-School Friendships”. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol.
, No. 4, pp. 600-22.
Nightingale, Florence. Ever Yours, Florence Nightingale. Editors Vicinus, Martha and Bea Nergaard, Harvard University Press, 1989.
Nightingale, Florence. Ever Yours, Florence Nightingale. Editors Vicinus, Martha and Bea Nergaard, Harvard University Press, 1990.
Vicinus, Martha. “Lesbian Perversity and Victorian Marriage: The 1864 Codrington Divorce Trial”. Journal of British Studies, Vol.
, pp. 70-98.
Vicinus, Martha. “Rediscovering the ’New Woman’ of the 1890s: The Stories of ’George Egerton’”. Feminist Re-Visions: What Has Been and What Might Be, edited by Vivian Patraka and Louise Tilly, University of Michigan Press, 1983, pp. 12-25.
Vicinus, Martha. The Industrial Muse: A Study of Nineteenth Century British Working-Class Literature. Croom Helm, 1974.
Vicinus, Martha. “The Reverse Garden Party”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, pp. 25-6.