George Payne Rainsford James

Standard Name: James, George Payne Rainsford
Used Form: G. P. R. James
Used Form: George P. R. James


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Mary Boyle
While in Florence, MB met Félicie de Fauveau , a sculptress whose family had been banished from France following the Revolution. MB also visited the Standish family at Casa Standish in Florence, where...
Friends, Associates Mary Boyle
MB noted in her reminiscences that she had been on terms of close and tender friendship with many great men.
Boyle, Mary. Mary Boyle. Her Book. Editor Boyle, Sir Courtenay Edmund, E. P. Dutton; John Murray.
Her correspondence with some of them has since been published. She called G. P. R. James
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Boyle
Mary Boyle published The Bridal of Melcha; A Dramatic Sketch, a poem which she dedicated to George P. R. James .
Boyle, Mary. The Bridal of Melcha. Henry Colburn.
Leisure and Society Mary Boyle
MB was an avid reader. Her favourite authors included Walter Landor , with whom she exchanged frequent letters, the BrowningsRobert Browning , and most especially, her literary godfather, G. P. R. James .
Boyle, Mary. Mary Boyle. Her Book. Editor Boyle, Sir Courtenay Edmund, E. P. Dutton; John Murray.
Reception Emma Robinson
Henry Fothergill Chorley in his Athenæum review called the novel a tale of terror and adventure, just right for Christmas reading.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
844 (1843): 1159
The review is listed as by Chorley. Henry's brother John Rutter Chorley
Textual Production Catherine Gore
This play was written in a bid to win a prize of £500 in a contest, sponsored by Benjamin Webster of the Haymarket , for the best modern comedy illustrative of British manners.
Donkin, Ellen. “Mrs. Gore gives tit for tat”. Women and Playwriting in Nineteenth-Century Britain, edited by Tracy C. Davis and Ellen Donkin, Cambridge University Press, pp. 54-74.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Harriet Smythies
In a critical preface HS reveals her gender though not her name. She opens by invoking the author of Rienzi (either, Mary Russell Mitford or Edward Bulwer Lytton ). The two groups of lovers and...


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