Venetia Buddicom

Standard Name: Buddicom, Venetia


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Freya Stark
At the same time, Stark's feelings about her personal life shifted, at least temporarily. Her mother had often pressured her to marry: as she now wrote to Venetia Buddicom : I used to feel that...
Family and Intimate relationships Freya Stark
Besse had Middle Eastern connections, being based in Aden. He met Evelyn Waugh in 1931, and Waugh wrote amusingly about him in When the Going Was Good. Besse was also married, and FS accepted...
Friends, Associates Freya Stark
In mid-1923, Viva Jeyes introduced Freya and Flora Stark to the Buddicom family, who owned property near La Mortola. Freya then began a close friendship with Venetia Buddicom , travelled with her soon after this...
Friends, Associates Freya Stark
Through Venetia Buddicom , she met Sir Henry Lawrence , former acting governor of Bombay, who in turn introduced her to Lionel Smith and Arthur Hinks , the latter of whom was Secretary to the...
Reception Freya Stark
FS 's biographer Molly Izzard finds the tone of this book—especially the sections concerning the illicit trip made by Stark and Venetia Buddicom into Syriaoften very schoolgirlish.
Izzard, Molly. Freya Stark: A Biography. Hodder and Stoughton, 1993.
Travel Freya Stark
FS and her friend Venetia Buddicom went illicitly by donkey into the foothills of the Syrian state of Jebel Druze. (Previous travellers to the Druze included Lady Hester Stanhope and Gertrude Bell .)
Geniesse, Jane Fletcher. Passionate Nomad. Random House, 1999.
68, 81
Travel Freya Stark
She travelled alone to Damascus, where she was the guest of another Arab-Christian family, and then was taken through the desert by members of one of Syria's feudal families, the El Azm tribe. She then...


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