Constantin Brancusi

Standard Name: Brancusi, Constantin


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Nina Hamnett
In Paris NH quickly re-acquainted herself with old friends and met new ones, re-establishing her presence at the popular cafés. She re-connected with Marie Wassilieff , Zadkine , Brancusi , Aleister Crowley , and others...
Reception Nancy Cunard
NC was also the exemplary subject for painters and photographers—Nina Hamnett (who did a drawing of her for ten guineas at the request of Lady Cunard ),
Hamnett, Nina. Laughing Torso. Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc.
John Banting , Eugene MacCown ,...
Reception Virginia Woolf
VW 's professional reputation began to shift at about this time. From the early 1920s, she developed an increasingly strong self-image as an adult woman and writer. More and more, her novels both won praise...
Textual Production Mina Loy
ML also wrote poems about other writers and artists. Several of these poems, including James Joyce 's Ulysses, The Starry Sky of Wyndham Lewis, Nancy Cunard, Brancusi 's Golden Bird, and...


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