John Taylor

Standard Name: Taylor, John,, 1750 - 1826


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Sarah Austin
SA 's father, John Taylor , was a successful wool and yarn maker. The business had been founded by Sarah's grandfather, Richard Taylor .
Hamburger, Lotte, and Joseph Hamburger. Troubled Lives: John and Sarah Austin. University of Toronto Press.
John Taylor was also one of the prominent Whig leaders...
Friends, Associates Lucy Aikin
The Rev. Dr Samuel Cooper (husband of the novelist Maria Susanna Cooper ) also knew LA when she was a girl. He thought her very intelligent and preferred to talk to her at a party...
Textual Production Lucy Aikin
By the age of sixteen LA was publishing translations and articles in journals. In August 1800 she composed social verses for a river party at Norwich to celebrateJohn Taylor 's birthday, and recited them...
Wealth and Poverty Anne Plumptre
In her will (witnessed by John and Susannah Taylor of Norwich), AP left everything to her brother Robert, a barrister.
Plumptre, Anne. “Introduction”. Something New, edited by Deborah McLeod, Broadview, p. vii - xxix.


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