Martin Madan

Standard Name: Madan, Martin,, 1700 - 1756
Used Form: Lysander


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Family and Intimate relationships Judith Cowper Madan
Judith Cowper married Martin Madan , a captain in the King's Own cavalry, whom she calls in her poems Lysander. He had met her in September, proposed to her and been promptly accepted in October.
Rumbold, Valerie. “The Poetic Career of Judith Cowper: An Exemplary Failure?”. Pope, Swift, and Women Writers, edited by Donald C. Mell, University of Delaware Press, pp. 48-66.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press.
77, 86
Family and Intimate relationships Judith Cowper Madan
Martin Madan , husband of JCM , died. His health had been affected by his active service in the army, and declined steadily during the 1750s.
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press.
82, 83
Family and Intimate relationships Judith Cowper Madan
Judith Cowper wrote a poem titled from the date 20 September 1723, in which she confesses that she fell in love at first sight with Lysander (that is Martin Madan ), but laments that he...
Material Conditions of Writing Judith Cowper Madan
JCM , at Brettby (now Bretby) in Derbyshire, addressed to her absent husband a poem entitled (by Ashley Cowper) merely To the Same, which thanks him for his goodness to her in her...
Textual Features Judith Cowper Madan
She admits that she has fallen in love at first sight, but does not hope for a happy outcome, since she supposes that Lysander (Martin Madan ) will be compelled to marry someone else...
Textual Production Judith Cowper Madan
JCM wrote a poem for the birthday of Lysander, now her husband , again bearing a date as title (July the First. 1724) and this time expressing the pure joy of love.
Cowper, Ashley, editor. The Family Miscellany. http://British Library MS Add. 28,101.
Rumbold, Valerie. “The Poetic Career of Judith Cowper: An Exemplary Failure?”. Pope, Swift, and Women Writers, edited by Donald C. Mell, University of Delaware Press, pp. 48-66.
Madan, Falconer. The Madan Family. Oxford University Press.
Textual Production Judith Cowper Madan
In a poem entitled simply To Lysander, JCM informed her husband of her return to poetry, after years of neglect, to celebrate the first birthday of their son.
Cowper, Ashley, editor. The Family Miscellany. http://British Library MS Add. 28,101.
Fullard, Joyce, editor. British Women Poets, 1660-1800: An Anthology. Whitston Publishing Company.
Textual Production Judith Cowper Madan
Five hundred of JCM 's letters survive in manuscript. The correspondence between her and her husband both before and after marriage (about 350 letters, from 13 October 1723) is held by the Bodleian Library (MS...
Textual Production Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Throughout the 1720 LMWM regularly responded in poetry to events in her social circle. She wrote on an alleged incident of attempted rape; on the deaths of the Duke of Marlborough , William Congreve ...


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