Anne Audland

Standard Name: Audland, Anne
Birth Name: Anne Newby
Married Name: Anne Audland
Married Name: Anne Camm
Used Form: Ann Camm
AA is a minor but early Quaker writer (active from the mid seventeenth century) , whose chief genres are letters and the religious testimony.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Fisher
It is not known whether she belonged to the Church of England or some other sect before she joined the Society of Friends (in earlier 1652, along with her employers).
Peters, Kate. Print Culture and the Early Quakers. Cambridge University Press.
Her early conversion to...
Friends, Associates Barbara Blaugdone
Of these two, John Audland was already married to Anne Audland (who was imprisoned for her preaching this year) and John Camm was the father of the man whom Anne was to marry after John...


July 1664: The Conventicle Act prohibited assembling...

Building item

July 1664

The Conventicle Act prohibited assembling for worship anywhere other than in an Anglican church.


Audland, Anne. A True Declaration of the Suffering of the Innocent. Giles Calvert, 1655.
Audland, Anne et al. “Letter and Testimony concerning John Audland”. The Memory of the Righteous Revived, Andrew Sowle, 1689.
Camm, Thomas, and Anne Audland. The Admirable and Glorious Appearance of the Eternal God. Printed by J. Bringhurst, 1684.
Audland, Anne et al. The Saints Testimony Finishing through Sufferings. Giles Calvert, 1655.