Venetia Margaret Hunt Benson

Standard Name: Benson, Venetia Margaret Hunt


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Family and Intimate relationships Violet Hunt
The first of VH 's two younger sisters was christened Venetia Margaret but was known as Venice after The Stones of Venice by Ruskin , who was also her godfather.
Belford, Barbara. Violet. Simon and Schuster.
Family and Intimate relationships Violet Hunt
By eleven, encouraged by their mother, Violet and her sister Venice were competing for Ruskin 's affections: they referred to him as either the prophet or the Professor. When she was thirteen years old,...
Textual Features Violet Hunt
Hunt's memoirs concentrate predominantly on her creative associations with writers and painters, and her love-affair with writer Ford Madox Ford during the years between 1908 and 1915.
Hunt, Violet. I Have This to Say. Boni and Liveright.
3, 255
Hunt refers to Ford by his...
Wealth and Poverty Violet Hunt
Her death prompted a legal battle over her estate. VH 's sisters, Venetia and Silvia , contested the will in an attempt to exclude her from her share of the £23,589 estate. They disapproved of...


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