She did her best to pursue a professional friendship with David Garrick and his wife, but after facilitating her successful debut as a playwright in early 1776 Garrick became somewhat elusive. She had a...
Friends, Associates
Oliver Goldsmith
Goldsmith met and became a friend and associate of Edmund Burke, Samuel Johnson, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and others belonging to the Club, of which he was a founder member. He was a...
Friends, Associates
Hannah More
Here she began to gather the circle of friends which by the end of her long life had touched every cranny of English society. She had already met Edmund Burke in Bristol the previous September...
Friends, Associates
Hannah More
Her later friendships often blended the personal with the political, like those with Beilby Porteus (Bishop of London from 1787, where she met him) and the abolitionists William Wilberforce (met at Bath the same year)...
Textual Production
Hannah More
She had worked on it that spring, sending it one act at a time to David and Eva Maria Garrick, who were trenchantly and helpfully critical. David wrote a prologue and epilogue.
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.
Textual Production
Hannah More
They were not the only friends to make such a request. On 8 January 1793 (by which time she had already acted) More wrote to tell Mrs Garrick of her earnest invitation from Beilby Porteus
5 July 1757: The London Lock Asylum (a home for reformed...
Building item
5 July 1757
The LondonLock Asylum (a home for reformed prostitutes recently cured of venereal disease) admitted its first inmates.
Merians, Linda E. “The London Lock Hospital and the Lock Asylum for Women”. The Secret Malady: Venereal Disease in Eighteenth-Century Britain and France, edited by Linda E. Merians, University Press of Kentucky, 1996, pp. 128-45.