Richard Gwinnett

Standard Name: Gwinnett, Richard


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Anthologization Elizabeth Thomas
This ragbag collection (of which Curll's biographers remark that he could do more with an et cetera than anybody else in recorded history)
Baines, Paul, and Pat Rogers. Edmund Curll, Bookseller. Clarendon Press, 2007.
boasted only two items by the newsworthy Jacobite churchman Francis Atterbury
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Thomas
ET and Richard Gwinnett fell mutually in love.
McWhir, Anne. “Elizabeth Thomas and the Two Corinnas: Giving the Woman Writer a Bad Name”. English Literary History, Vol.
, 1995, pp. 105-19.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Thomas
ET's life suffered one more disaster when her fiancé, Richard Gwinnett , died of tuberculosis.
McWhir, Anne. “Elizabeth Thomas and the Two Corinnas: Giving the Woman Writer a Bad Name”. English Literary History, Vol.
, 1995, pp. 105-19.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Curll, Edmund et al. “The Life of Corinna. Written by Herself”. Pylades and Corinna, 1731, p. iv - lxxx.
Mills, Rebecca. "Thanks for that Elegant Defense": Polemical Prose and Poetry by Women in the Early Eighteenth Century. Oxford University, 2000.
Publishing Elizabeth Thomas
Curll published in two volumes the recently-dead ET's correspondence with her late fiancé (and other works) under the intriguing title of Pylades and Corinna.
The Monthly Chronicle. Aaron Ward.
Publishing Mary Lady Chudleigh
Letters written by MLC appeared posthumously in several compilations put out by Edmund Curll : Whartoniana, 1727, the Poetical Works of Philip, Duke of Wharton , 1731, and Pylades and Corinna, 1731, by...


1 December 1699: John Pomfret published The Choice, a poem...

Writing climate item

1 December 1699

John Pomfret published The Choice, a poem in praise of the good life; among many other poems sharing this title, or that of The Wish, Pomfret's became a long-lived favourite.
Foxon, David F. English Verse 1701-1750. Cambridge University Press, 1975, 2 vols.
Messenger, Ann. Pastoral Tradition and the Female Talent: Studies in Augustan Poetry. AMS Press, 2001.
58, 60, 67, 79, 86-7


Thomas, Elizabeth, 1675 - 1731, and Richard Gwinnett. Pylades and Corinna. 1731.
Curll, Edmund et al. “The Life of Corinna. Written by Herself”. Pylades and Corinna, 1731, p. iv - lxxx.