Alfred Marshall

Standard Name: Marshall, Alfred


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Emma Frances Brooke
EFB 's studies were undertaken in Political Economics and Logic under professors Marshall and Foxwell .
Edwards, Joseph, editor. The First Labour Annual 1895: A Year Book of Industrial Progress and Social Welfare. No. 1, The Harvester Press.
Although she received few, if any, particular honours for her studies,
Anonymous,. “Woman and Home: Miss Emma Brooke, the Author of ‘A Superfluous Woman’”. The North American, p. 6.
(31 May 1895): 6
and although she...
Literary responses Jane Marcet
Thomas Babington Macaulay praised this work and other political economists, like Jean-Baptiste Say , Malthus and Ricardo , approved it. Although at least one edition of more than a decade after the first was respectfully...


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