Patricia Demers

Standard Name: Demers, Patricia


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth P. L. Travers
Helen Lyndon Goff (later PLT) was born in Maryborough, Queensland, Australia. She was the eldest of three children, all girls.
The Orlando Project thanks Dr Patricia Demers for her assistance with this document.
Anemaat, Louise. Guide to the Papers of P L Travers: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, 1991.
death Hesba Stretton
HS died at her house, Ivy Croft, in Ham, Surrey, after four years of unidentified illness.
Sources disagree as to whether her sister and lifelong companion Elizabeth died eight months before HS or within...
Literary responses Elizabeth Major
Joseph Caryl, the Cromwell government's official censor and perhaps EM's minister, added a commendatory note to his licence to signify his approval of her views. Among her few modern critics, Patricia Demers has...
names Beatrix Potter
  • BirthName: Helen Beatrix Potter
  • Married: Heelis
    The Orlando Project thanks Professor Patricia Demers for her contributions to this document.
Reception Marguerite de Navarre
The Seymour sisters' text, consisting of 104 distichs or two-line verses in pithy and very sophisticated Latin,
Demers, Patricia. “The Seymour Sisters: Elegizing Female Attachment”. The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 1999– 2025, pp. 343-65.
was translated into French in 1551 by Joachim Du Bellay and others, with sections also in Greek...
Textual Features An Collins
AC writes in many different metres (some unusual, a few somewhat uncertainly used). In a prose address to the Christian Reader
Collins, An. Divine Songs and Meditacions. Editor Stewart, Stanley N., William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1961.
she says she has achieved a peacefull temper and spirituall calmnesse.
Collins, An. Divine Songs and Meditacions. Editor Stewart, Stanley N., William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, 1961.
Textual Production P. L. Travers
PLT wrote poetry and newspaper-style articles from childhood.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Her earliest publication (as by Lyndon Goff was an article in the third term of 1914 in the Normanhurst School Magazine on a Grand Variety Entertainment).
Lawson, Valerie. Mary Poppins She Wrote. The Life of P. L. Travers, London: Aurum Press 2005. Aurum Press, 2005.
Textual Production Beatrix Potter
The nine-year-old BP made the first surviving botanical sketch to which she signed her name: Foxglove and Periwinkle.
The Orlando Project thanks Professor Patricia Demers for her contributions to this document.
MacDonald, Ruth K. Beatrix Potter. Twayne, 1986.


No timeline events available.


Demers, Patricia. “I could wish my tongue were as the pen of a ready writer: the Fragility of Hope in Elizabeth Majors Honey on the RodBunyan Studies, Vol.
, 1997, pp. 38-48.
Demers, Patricia, and Robert Gordon Moyles, editors. From Instruction to Delight: An Anthology of Children’s Literature to 1850. Oxford University Press, 1982.
Demers, Patricia. P.L. Travers. Twayne, 1991.
Demers, Patricia. “Penseroso Triptych: ’Eliza’, An Collins, Elizabeth Major”. Discovering and (Re)Covering the Seventeenth Century Religious Lyric, edited by Eugene R. Cunnar and Jeffrey Johnson, Duquesne University Press, 2001, pp. 185 - 204, 360.
Demers, Patricia. “The Seymour Sisters: Elegizing Female Attachment”. The Sixteenth Century Journal, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 343-65.
Demers, Patricia. The World of Hannah More. University Press of Kentucky, 1996.