Olivia Etherington-Smith

Standard Name: Etherington-Smith, Olivia


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Naomi Jacob
NJ published a novel entitled The Man who Found Himself; she dedicated it to Olivia Etherington-Smith , to whom . . . the North country is—Home
Jacob, Naomi. The Man who Found Himself. Robert Hale.
as it is to the novel's hero...
Family and Intimate relationships Naomi Jacob
In the same sanatorium where she met a man whom she nearly married, NJ encountered Olivia Etherington-Smith , an upper-class woman with whom, after initial hostility on both sides, she began an affair which lasted...
Residence Naomi Jacob
In response to Mussolini 's racial laws, which barred Jews from various kinds of employment, NJ left Italy. While Olivia Etherington-Smith and Sadie Robinson travelled from Sirmione to England, she spent some time first at...


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