Geoffrey Grigson

Standard Name: Grigson, Geoffrey


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Anthologization E. J. Scovell
EJS has been much anthologised: in Geoffrey Grigson 's Poetry of the Present: An Anthology of the Thirties and After, 1949, and more recently in collections edited by Fleur Adcock , Philip Larkin ,...
Literary responses Laura Riding
The volume was praised by Humbert Wolfe and Janet Adam Smith , but called by the Times Literary Supplementoften extremely difficult and occasionally annoying in its word play, shifting meanings, and free association. Geoffrey Grigson
Literary responses Anne Ridler
AR 's edition of James Thomson rapidly went out of print, perhaps helped by the long, enthusiastic review which Geoffrey Grigson (even though he disliked Thomson) provided in the New Statesman.
Wynne-Tyson, Jon. Finding the Words: A Publishing Life. Michael Russell.
Literary responses E. J. Scovell
Stephen Spender and Geoffrey Grigson both praised this volume. Grigson called EJS somewhat inscrutably the purest woman poet of our time—meaning, apparently, that her technique was unobtrusive or transparent.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Dowson, Jane, editor. Women’s Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology. Routledge.
The year after its...
Literary responses E. J. Scovell
Geoffrey Grigson admired this volume, too.
Dowson, Jane, editor. Women’s Poetry of the 1930s: A Critical Anthology. Routledge.
Literary responses Edith Sitwell
It defended her against Geoffrey Grigson 's charge that she over-used certain words, saying that this repetition heighten[ed] the intimacy of her appeal. This volume, it said, marked the height of her popularity.
Sitwell, Edith. Taken Care Of: An Autobiography. Hutchinson.
inside cover
Literary responses Edith Sitwell
Sitwell was subject to dismissive antifeminist comment from such critics as Geoffrey Grigson and Harold Acton .
Hill, Rosemary. “No False Modesty”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 20, pp. 25-6.
The poets of the Movement were famously dismissive of ES . Al Alvarez published a notorious and...


January 1933: The first number appeared of the periodical...

Writing climate item

January 1933

The first number appeared of the periodicalNew Verse, edited by Geoffrey Grigson ; it ran until May 1939.


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