Ernest Boyd

Standard Name: Boyd, Ernest


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Katharine Tynan
At the start of her writing career, in 1885, KT was revered as the next Catholic woman poet to succeed Christina Rossetti . She herself held firmly to this image even while her Parnellism and...
Literary responses Katharine Tynan
In his review for the Evening Herald, W. B. Yeats judged that this volume was well nigh in all things a thoroughly Irish book, springing straight from the Celtic mind and pouring itself out...
Reception Emily Lawless
Routinely mentioned, albeit in passing, in accounts of Irish literature such as Ernest Augustus Boyd 's Ireland's Literary Renaissance, 1916, EL has also been anthologized in collections of Irish verse, such as Padraic Collum's...
Textual Features Katharine Tynan
KT opened this volume with an Apologia about the familiar content of her poems. So in my book there will be found / No gleanings from a foreign ground. / If such you seek, go...
Textual Production Storm Jameson
She followed these with other translations of his works: Horla and Other Stories (1925), and (with Ernest Boyd ) Eighty-Eight Short Stories (1930). All of these volumes were put out by Knopf , the publisher...


No timeline events available.


Boyd, Ernest. Ireland’s Literary Renaissance. Grant Richards, 1922.