Suzanne Raitt

Standard Name: Raitt, Suzanne


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Ethel Smyth
In addition to her relationship with Henry Brewster , ES 's life was punctuated by a series of intense emotional attachments to women. In a letter to Brewster, she wondered why it is so much...
Education May Sinclair
Her biographer Suzanne Raitt calls this a second education, more valuable than that on offer in the new women's colleges. MS wrote, before you knew where you were, he had begun his work on your...
Family and Intimate relationships Charlotte Mew
There has been much speculation, both at the time and more recently, about the nature of the relationship between the two writers. CM seems to have fallen in love, but Sinclair was not receptive, not...
Literary responses Frances Bellerby
FB 's award of a Civil List pension (1973) was a recognition of her literary achievement. Charles Causley 's obituary called her a true original possessed of a unique and distinguished voice.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Nathalie Blondel has...
Literary responses May Sinclair
Suzanne Raitt finds in this book a glorification of the spiritual uplift of war.
qtd. in
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Its first reviewers concurred in this, and approved or disapproved accordingly. Frank Swinnerton pleased MS by reporting on the form...
Literary responses May Sinclair
Suzanne Raitt calls the Aldington piece MS 's most substantial statement of the paradox of modernity.
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Reception May Sinclair
Bertrand Russell (after writing to MS to let her know he was doing so) reviewed it for the Nation with what biographer Suzanne Raitt calls acclaim.
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
MS had argued against Russell's ideas in...
Reception May Sinclair
Reviewers were less positive than about MS 's previous book: most of them found something or other to cavil at in the moral positions taken. But when Eleanor Cecil gave it a bad review, Evelyn Underhill
Textual Features May Sinclair
Of Sinclair's biographers and critics, Theophilus Boll considers the novel an allegory of MS 's conversion from poet to novelist, while Suzanne Raitt calls it a critique of the book trade in which she was...
Textual Features May Sinclair
According to biographer Suzanne Raitt , MS sometimes used aspects of her own experience in her stories. The Pin-Prick, 1915, about a young woman so sensitive that she kills herself in response to a...
Textual Features May Sinclair
Like May Cannan (different though Cannan's idiom is), MS continued to express her regret over her exclusion from the via dolorosa of the war: like an unloved hand laid on a beating heart / Our...
Textual Features May Sinclair
MS argues that in eschewing the traditional elements of beginning, middle, and end, Richardson produces a work which is far from formless, but which catches the patterns and structures of the mind. Suzanne Raitt writes...
Textual Features May Sinclair
This psychoanalytical novel returns to the themes of renunciation and submission to a mother's will seen in Mary Olivier. Unlike Mary, however, Harriett never moves beyond her need for her mother's approval, and devotes...


No timeline events available.


Raitt, Suzanne. “’The Tide of Ethel’: Femininity as Narrative in the Friendship of Ethel Smyth and Virginia Woolf”. Critical Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 4, 1988, pp. 3-21.
Raitt, Suzanne. “Charlotte Mew and May Sinclair: A love-song”. Critical Quarterly, Vol.
, No. 3, 1995, pp. 3-17.
Raitt, Suzanne. “Literary History as Exorcism: May Sinclair Meets the Brontës”. Women and Literary History: ’For There She Was’, edited by Katherine Binhammer and Jeanne Wood, University of Delaware Press, 2003, pp. 187-00.
Raitt, Suzanne. May Sinclair: A Modern Victorian. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Small, Helen. “Mrs. Humphry Ward and the First Casualty of War”. Women’s Fiction and the Great War, edited by Suzanne Raitt and Trudi Tate, Clarendon, 1997, pp. 18-46.