Effie Shaw

Standard Name: Shaw, Effie


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Maude Royden
After the Rev. Hudson Shaw 's wife Effie died in February of this year, MR and Shaw married. They held their wedding in a country church in Kent.
Royden, Maude. A Threefold Cord. Victor Gollancz.
Fletcher, Sheila. Maude Royden: A Life. Basil Blackwell.
Family and Intimate relationships Maude Royden
Shaw was lecturing at Oxford University 's Extension Summer School when they met. At forty-two, he was seventeen years older than MR , and she set him on a pedestal and never thought of him...
Author summary Maude Royden
Maude Royden , famous as an early twentieth-century campaigner for women's status in the ministry of the Church of England , was also a preacher, suffragist, feminist, and anti-war activist. She published at least fifty...
Residence Maude Royden
MR moved from Oxford to Alderly Rectory in North Cheshire to live with the Rev. Hudson Shaw and his wife Effie .
Royden, Maude. A Threefold Cord. Victor Gollancz.
Fletcher, Sheila. Maude Royden: A Life. Basil Blackwell.
Textual Production Maude Royden
MR 's autobiography, A Threefold Cord, which largely focuses on her unconventional, platonic, three-way relationship with the Rev. Hudson Shaw and his wife Effie , appeared three years after Shaw's death.
Royden, Maude. A Threefold Cord. Victor Gollancz.
title-page and prelims
Fletcher, Sheila. Maude Royden: A Life. Basil Blackwell.


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