Alfred de Musset

Standard Name: Musset, Alfred de


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships George Sand
GS met twenty-two-year-old Alfred de Musset , a poet and a colleague at the Revue des Deux Mondes; they began a stormy and much publicized two-year affair.
Jordan, Ruth. George Sand: A Biographical Portrait. Taplinger, 1976.
Cate, Curtis. George Sand. Houghton Mifflin, 1975.
Family and Intimate relationships George Sand
In Venice, GS had a romantic liaison with a doctor, Pietro Pagello , who was attending Alfred de Musset .
Cate, Curtis. George Sand. Houghton Mifflin, 1975.
Material Conditions of Writing George Sand
On the night that GS left de Musset , she began writing the novel that became Mauprat, published in 1837.
Jordan, Ruth. George Sand: A Biographical Portrait. Taplinger, 1976.
Jack, Belinda. George Sand: A Woman’s Life Writ Large. Vintage, 2001.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
Material Conditions of Writing George Sand
GS 's next novel, Jacques, was written while her affair with de Musset came to a close. The abject entanglement with de Musset proved useful material for at least ten of her books. In...
Reception George Sand
Readers were sharply divided in their responses to Lélia. Negative reactions were summed up by a reviewer named Capo de Feuillide who warned women readers away from the corruptive
qtd. in
Jordan, Ruth. George Sand: A Biographical Portrait. Taplinger, 1976.
influence of such an...
Textual Features Mathilde Blind
MB depicts Byron with her customary vigour and imaginative engagement: her introduction to the poetry volume is a blend of analysis and praise. She places him politically, as having in his veins an ancestral witches'...
Textual Features Anita Brookner
Its subjects are Ingres , Delacroix and Antoine-Jean Gros , Musset , Baudelaire , Edmond and Jules Goncourt , Zola and Huysmans . That is, AB has returned to take a different view of the...
Textual Production George Sand
Two years after Alfred de Musset 's death, GS published Elle et lui, detailing her side of her affair with him, and vividly recalling details from twenty-five years earlier.
Jordan, Ruth. George Sand: A Biographical Portrait. Taplinger, 1976.
96, 121
Athenæum. J. Lection.
1650 (1859): 776
Textual Production Margaret Oliphant
MO had already written on Dante the previous year, in a book about Florence. This series, like its predecessor, Ancient Classics for English Readers, was designed to aid self-education for those ignorant of languages...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Wolff sees this novel as working out the Zola theory of hereditary destiny.
Wolff, Robert Lee. Sensational Victorian. Garland, 1979.
However, although Ishmael vows to avenge his wrongs, when he discovers Pâquerette and Valnois separately years after their elopement he forgoes...
Travel George Sand
The affair between GS and Chopin is generally associated with Majorca, as her affair with de Musset is assoicated with Venice.


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