Of Do Come and Bring Your Fiends [sic], in which a young woman with a recent Oxford degree finds and loses love, June Shepherd wrote the pain leaps clear from these pages.
Shepherd, June. Doreen Wallace, 1897-1989: Writer and Social Campaigner. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
Literary responses
Doreen Wallace
June Shepherd found all the characters in this curious novel dislikable: the parents cold, the grandmother self-seeking, vain, and rather silly, and the child a selfish juvenile horror.
Shepherd, June. Doreen Wallace, 1897-1989: Writer and Social Campaigner. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
Doreen Wallace
Giles Dixey privately printed at Oxford a booklet of DW's work entitled Days and the Years: Poems; eighteen of these are included in an appendix in June Shepherd's biography of Wallace.
Shepherd, June. Doreen Wallace, 1897-1989: Writer and Social Campaigner. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
106, 161
Doreen Wallace
She presented a copy of each of her books to her husband, inscribed: R. H. Rash, with love from the author.
qtd. in
Shepherd, June. Doreen Wallace, 1897-1989: Writer and Social Campaigner. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
But he and most of her family never read her books, though...
No timeline events available.
Shepherd, June. Doreen Wallace, 1897-1989: Writer and Social Campaigner. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
Wisker, Alistair et al. “Introduction: A Literary Appreciation”. Doreen Wallace, 1897-1989: Writer and Social Campaigner, Edwin Mellen Press, p. xvii - xxi.