Claude Debussy

Standard Name: Debussy, Claude


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Edith Mary Moore
An epigraph quotes from Maeterlinck 's libretto for Debussy 's opera Pelleas et Melisande, 1892: Nous ne voyons jamais que l'envers des destinees . . . l'envers meme de la notre. The novel divides...
Occupation Nina Hamnett
She also did modelling for other artists (either professionally or for friends), and once danced naked for a crowd at Wassilief's academy (including Zadkine and Modigliani ) to Claude Debussy 's Golliwog's Cakewalk. NH
Occupation Una Troubridge
By the age of sixteen, UT had begun receiving commissions for her sculptures and had rented a studio of her own in which to exhibit her works. The money she earned from these commissions gave...
Occupation Viola Tree
VT gave a concert at the Aeolian Hall in London. She sang French songs, including some by Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel .
The Æolian Hall was the venue for Edith Sitwell 's notorious...
Textual Production Edith Lyttelton
Upton first used a drawing of one of her own childhood dolls, a black minstrel doll, to illustrate Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls and a Golliwogg, a book written by her mother, Bertha Upton
Textual Production Jeanette Winterson
Her contributors included Ali Smith on Beethoven 's Fidelio, Anne Enright on Dvorak 's Rusalka, Jackie Kay on Janacek 's The Makropulos Case, Joanna Trollope on Donizetti 's L'Elisir d'Amore, Kate Atkinson


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