Nicolas Boileau

Standard Name: Boileau, Nicolas


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Barker
JB opens this work with a nostalgic glance backward at about sixty-six years of political thinking and literary writing. Her dedication To the Ladies is immensely engaging. She takes up the story of Galesia, now...
Reception Anne Dacier
This translation made its debut at a time of renewed struggle in the querelle of the ancients and moderns. This debate had arisen in the 1680s, with Boileau maintaining the superiority of ancient culture and...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Jane Warton
Scholar David Fairer has identified JW 's contribution, from its style, as Adventurer no. 87. This essay, later entitled Politeness a necessary auxiliary to knowledge and virtue,
Reid, Hugh. “Jenny: The Fourth Warton”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
continuous series 231
, No. 1, Mar. 1986, pp. 84-92.
is in fact an entertaining piece...


March 1694: The French poet Boileau published his misogynist...

Writing climate item

March 1694

The French poet Boileau published his misogynist Satire X, which targets the poet Antoinette Deshoulières (who had died in February) as a précieuse, and Scudéry 's Clélie as advocating adultery.
Schroder, Volker. “Women Writers Response to Boileaus SATIRE XAmerican Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Boston, MA, 26 Mar. 2004.


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