Andrew Sowle

Standard Name: Sowle, Andrew


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Publishing Elizabeth Bathurst
Tace Sowle's first project on taking over her father's publishing firm was for Truth Vindicated by the Faithful Testimony and Writings of the Innocent Servant and Hand-Maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst, Deceased.
Bracken, James K., and Joel Silver, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 170. Gale Research, 1996.
English Short Title Catalogue.
Textual Production Elizabeth Bathurst
EB published with her name, through Andrew Sowle, The Sayings of Women, a collection of scriptural excerpts designed to demonstrate that women receive an Office in the Truth as well as Men,
Bathurst, Elizabeth. The Sayings of Women. Andrew Sowle, 1683.


1653: Andrew Sowle finished his apprenticeship...

Building item


Andrew Sowle finished his apprenticeship (to the Nonconformist printer Ruth Raworth), and began printing Quaker texts from an unknown address.
Bracken, James K., and Joel Silver, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 170. Gale Research, 1996.
249, 250

By early 1691: Tace Sowle, aged twenty-five, took over from...

Writing climate item

By early 1691

Tace Sowle, aged twenty-five, took over from her elderly father, Andrew, the family printing firm (which that year distributed books to 151 Quaker meetings, as well as bookshops in England, Europe, and the...

1701: John Tomkins published Piety Promoted, in...

Building item


John Tomkins published Piety Promoted, in a Collection of Dying Sayings of Many of the People Called Quakers , an important source for lives of both men and women.
Bracken, James K., and Joel Silver, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 170. Gale Research, 1996.


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