Lord George Gordon

Standard Name: Gordon, Lord George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Maria De Fleury
MDF dedicated to Lord George Gordon a masque-like or operatic work entitled Henry; or, The Triumph of Grace. A Sacred Poem.
De Fleury, Maria. Henry. R. Denham, 1782.
qtd. in
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Dedications Maria De Fleury
Lord George Gordon was arrested on 9 June 1780 and sent to the Tower of London after the anti-Catholic riots bearing his name. He came to trial on 5 February 1781, but was acquitted the...
politics Maria De Fleury
MDF 's first publicised brush with politics involved her membership of the Protestant Association ,
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
her support for Lord George Gordon and her approval of the anti-Catholic Gordon riots.
Publishing Maria De Fleury
MDF published and sold from her own house, with her name and printed for the author, Unrighteous Abuse Detected and Chastised, a 24-page pamphlet which is another vindication of Lord George Gordon .
De Fleury, Maria. Unrighteous Abuse Detected and Chastised. R. Denham, 1781.
Textual Features Maria De Fleury
MDF celebrates the Association in a poem addressing it. Her book's full title is Unrighteous Abuse Detected and Chastised; or, A Vindication of Innocence and Integrity, Being an Answer to a Virulent Poem, Intituled, The...
Textual Production Maria De Fleury
MDF published her pamphlet Poems, Occasioned by the Confinement and Acquittal of the Right Honourable Lord George Gordon , President of the Protestant Association.
Gordon the champion of Protestantism converted to Judaism in 1786.
De Bruyn, Frans. “Anti-Semitism, Millenarianism, and Radical Dissent in Edmund Burkes Reflections on the Revolution in FranceEighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 June 2001– 2025, pp. 577-00.
De Fleury, Maria. Poems. R. Denham, 1781.
Textual Production Judith Kazantzis
JK compiled and published a Jackdaw pack reproducing historical documents for use in schools: The Gordon Riots: a collection of contemporary documents.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop. http://Bookshop.Blackwell.co.uk.
University of Alberta Libraries On-line Catalogue. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Judith Kazantzis
A cover sheet lists the contents, with a sketch map of London in 1780 (the year the riots happened, in early June), a list of further reading, and some questions for essays or discussion. Six...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Timberlake Wertenbaker
It is set in London in the eighteenth century. For the opening scene TW used a story she had heard of a woman trained in the art of hostessing by talking to an empty chair...


6 April 1780: The Radical cause in Britain was advanced...

National or international item

6 April 1780

The Radical cause in Britain was advanced when the House of Commons passed a motion by John Dunning (later Baron Ashburton) , that the influence of the crown has increased, is increasing, and ought to...

2 June 1780: The Gordon Riots began in London: anti-Catholic...

National or international item

2 June 1780

The Gordon Riots began in London: anti-Catholic mobs encouraged by Lord George Gordon (leader of the Protestant Association ) attacked and burned churches and other buildings and terrorised the populace.
Newman, Gerald, editor. Britain in the Hanoverian Age, 1714-1837: An Encyclopedia. Garland, 1997.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.


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