Clement Shorter

Standard Name: Shorter, Clement


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Features John Oliver Hobbes
JOH sometimes discusses her own writing, career, and ambition: One's place in literature is a possession—never a concession. And one knows one's place. I don't wish to be judged—one way or the other—till I am...
Textual Production Anne Brontë
AB continued to write poetry after the unsuccessful publication of the collaborative volume, but with the exception of The Three Guides (which appeared in Fraser's Magazine in August 1848) does not seem to have published...
Textual Production George Egerton
Here GE first used her pseudonym, George Egerton, which she took from her mother 's surname and the first Christian name of her husband (whom she had married two years before this).
Stetz, Margaret. “Keynotes: A New Woman, Her Publisher, and Her Material”. Studies in the Literary Imagination, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 1997, pp. 89-107.


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