William Robertson

Standard Name: Robertson, William,, 1721-1793


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Mary Brunton
While she was at home, her father was too busy to instruct her and (in the opinion of Alexander Brunton, a man of learning) her mother had accomplishments but not the education to make her...
Literary responses Sophia Lee
Some reviewers expressed unease about the blending of history with fiction; but even they felt no embarrassment at commending Lee in the same breath and in the same terms as her sources, William Robertson 's...
Textual Features Frances Arabella Rowden
An advertisement (dated at Iver in Buckinghamshire on 3 September 1820)
Rowden, Frances Arabella. A Biographical Sketch of the Most Distinguished Writers of Ancient and Modern Times.
1829, iv
explains that the book is written for the young scholar and hopes to demonstrate the connexion between ancient and modern literature (the...
Textual Production Charlotte Lennox
The magazine was published through Newbery , as by the author of The Female Quixote. Its launch was hailed by Charlotte Forman (wrapped in the cloak of a male pseudonym) in the Public Ledger...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Hester Mulso Chapone
The first letter is entitled On the Principles of Religion; HMC assures her niece that she is one of your warmest friends.
Feminist Companion Archive.
She cautions about choice of friends and even more about choice of...


1 February 1759: William Robertson published at London his...

Building item

1 February 1759

William Robertson published at London his History of Scotland (which became a source for The Recess by Sophia Lee ).

9 March 1776: Adam Smith published An Inquiry into the...

Writing climate item

9 March 1776

Adam Smith published An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Sales were much higher than expected by the publisher, William Strahan , who had produced a print-run of 500...

28 May 1777: William Robertson published at London and...

Writing climate item

28 May 1777

William Robertson published at London and Edinburgh his History of America, which is in effect a history of European colonization.


No bibliographical results available.