Sir Owen St Clair O'Malley

Standard Name: O'Malley, Sir Owen St Clair


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Family and Intimate relationships Ann Bridge
In 1928 Owen O'Malley , with other members of the foreign service, was accused of speculating in francs: what became known as the francs case. His Times obituary suggested that he would have been...
Family and Intimate relationships Ann Bridge
Mary Sanders (later AB ) married Owen O'Malley (a member of the British Foreign Office and as he put it himself an autocthonous Irishman,
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(17 April 1974): 16
later knighted) at St Mark's Church...
Textual Production Ann Bridge
In Permission to Resign,: Goings-on in the Corridors of Power, Ann Bridge provided an account of her husband 's forced resignation from the Foreign Office in 1928 and the successful campaign to re-instate him.
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production Ann Bridge
Ann Bridge and Susan Lowndes together published The Selective Traveller in Portugal (where Bridge had lived while her husband was ambassador there).
British Library Catalogue.
Travel Ann Bridge
The husband of Mary O'Malley (soon to become the writer AB ) was posted to the British Legation in Peking: not a position he coveted, but one which enabled her to explore the old Imperial...
Travel Ann Bridge
After six months of the phoney war, AB travelled to Hungary to join her husband , who had been British Ambassador there since the previous year.
Bridge, Ann. Facts and Fictions. Chatto and Windus.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


13 April 1943: Berlin Radio reported that German soldiers...

National or international item

13 April 1943

Berlin Radio reported that German soldiers had found 4,500 executed Polish officers buried at Katyn near Smolensk.


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