Mikhail Bakhtin

Standard Name: Bakhtin, Mikhail


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Ann Taylor Gilbert
Unlike their other children's books, however, this one failed utterly. No second edition was called for.
Paul, Lissa. The Children’s Book Business. Routledge.
It seems that the satire was too strong, or the revolutionary moment too close for turning the...
Publishing Julia Kristeva
Critique carried JK 's essay Bakhtine , le mot, le dialogue et le roman.
Kristeva, Julia. Julia Kristeva, Interviews. Editor Guberman, Ross, Columbia University Press.
Reception Vernon Lee
Through this research Lee anticipates several major critical turns of the twentieth century, such as those developed by I. A. Richards , Mikhail Bakhtin , Roland Barthes , and Wolfgang Iser . Though it received...
Textual Features Angela Carter
According to Linden Peach , the writings of Bertolt Brecht and Mikhail Bakhtin influenced AC 's notions of theatre and the carnivalesque, which are central features of Nights at the Circus. However, Peach went...


1968: An English translation of Rabelais and His...

Writing climate item


An English translation of Rabelais and His World (the doctoral dissertation of Mikhail Bakhtin , which had been rejected by the examiners in 1946) was published in the USA by MIT Press .

8 September 1999: Leila Aboulela, a Sudanese-Scottish, Muslim...

Women writers item

8 September 1999

Leila Aboulela , a Sudanese-Scottish, Muslim writer who has lived since 1990 in Aberdeen, published The Translator, the first of her explicitly Islamicistnovels, preaching what she herself calls Islamic feminism.


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