Charles Wentworth Dilke

Standard Name: Dilke, Charles Wentworth


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Harriet Martineau
The Athenæum's editor, Charles Wentworth Dilke , commissioned a reply that was attributed to the president of the Royal College of Surgeons , Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie . The response argued that HM was...
Publishing Harriet Martineau
After a skirmish with Dilke over whether the Athenæum could claim copyright on the letters, HM , who had accepted no payment from him, published them in book form with Moxon .
Martineau, Harriet, and Gaby Weiner. Harriet Martineau’s Autobiography. Virago.
2: 197
Reception Catherine Gore
In her preface she notes that these stories were written before these Reform Bill,
Copeland, Edward. “Virgin Sacrifice: Elizabeth Bennet <span data-tei-ns-tag="">After</span> Jane Austen”. Persuasions, Vol.
, pp. 156-74.
and argues that silver-fork or fashionable novels have a value for the successful exposure of vices and follies daily and...


2 January 1828: The first issue of the Athenæum, founded...

Writing climate item

2 January 1828

The first issue of the Athenæum, founded by James Silk Buckingham , appeared.

As early as 1885: Octavia Hill gave evidence to the Royal Commission...

Building item

As early as 1885

Octavia Hill gave evidence to the Royal Commission on the Housing of the Working Classes.


No bibliographical results available.