Dr Mary Scharlieb

Standard Name: Scharlieb, Dr Mary
Used Form: Mary Scharlieb


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Publishing Edith Mary Moore
She dedicated this book to her son Edward Lovell Moore , then on active service. Chapman and Hall advertised the novel repeatedly in the Times Literary Supplement
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012]. http://www.gale.com/c/the-times-literary-supplement-historical-archive.
(13 January 1916): 17; (3 February 1916): 53; (2 March 1916): 100; (6 April 1916): 163
Health Marie Corelli
The operation was performed by Dr Mary Scharlieb , the first female to graduate from London University with an M. D. Annette R. Federico claims that MC deliberately chose a female doctor (though they were...


1895: Dr Mary Scharlieb advised sexual abstinence...

Building item


Dr Mary Scharlieb advised sexual abstinence for 3 months after childbirth in her book A Woman's Words to Women on the Care of their Health in England and in India.


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