Randall Jarrell

Standard Name: Jarrell, Randall


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Fictionalization Hannah Arendt
HA and her husband were still in mid or even early career when Randall Jarrell portrayed them in Pictures from an Institution in 1954.
Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth. Hannah Arendt. For Love of the World. Second Edition, Yale University Press, 2004.
The continued relevance of her political thinking is reflected in...
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
During her first visit to the USA, ES met Charlie Chaplin , Greta Garbo , and Marianne Moore . A press party at the Gotham Book Mart in New York was attended by ES ...
Friends, Associates Hannah Arendt
HA 's journalistic and editorial work meant that she met almost everyone who belonged to the intellectual scene in New York, as well as those just passing through, like T. S. Eliot . Those who...
Literary responses Elizabeth Bishop
Early reviews of North & South were not enthusiastic, until the tide was turned following warm praise by Marianne Moore , Randall Jarrell , and then Robert Lowell ,
Astley, Neil. “Elizabeth Bishop: A Bibliography; Elizabeth Bishop: Chronology”. Elizabeth Bishop: Poet of the Periphery, edited by Linda Anderson and Jo Shapcott, Bloodaxe Books, 2002, pp. 175-00.
who was dismissive of some...
Literary responses Christina Stead
Randall Jarrell 's article in the New York Times about CS 's The Man Who Loved Children (followed in August by another article, in New Republic, by Elizabeth Hardwick ) began to turn Stead's reputation around.
Rowley, Hazel. Christina Stead: A Biography. Secker and Warburg, 1995.
Literary responses Christina Stead
This was, says Hazel Rowley , one of those highly original novels that do not take off at first.
Rowley, Hazel. Christina Stead: A Biography. Secker and Warburg, 1995.
Whatever the artistic consequences of its national transposition of setting, some US critics found the...
Literary responses Christina Stead
In 1963 Eldon Branda produced a dramatised version which Stead liked, but which was not produced.
qtd. in
Rowley, Hazel. Christina Stead: A Biography. Secker and Warburg, 1995.
Stanley Burnshaw fought to persuade Holt, Rinehart and Winston to re-issue the work, but again no British publisher...
Publishing Christina Stead
At the insistence of its first publisher, the US Simon and Schuster , CS agreed to transpose her Australian novel to an American setting. This entailed shifting the period from the 1910s to the 1930s...
Reception Laura Riding
Miranda Seymour (who has published a life of Graves and a novel based on an incident in his life and Riding's) does not believe this story of indebtedness,
Seymour, Miranda. “The Hand from the Grave”. Lives for Sale: Biographers’ Tales, edited by Mark Bostridge, Continuum, 2004, pp. 191-5.
and nor does Riding's biographer Friedmann...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Hannah Arendt
Dark times is a phrase from Brecht . It is almost synonymous here with the twentieth century, though HA has a piece on Lessing , who lived two centuries earlier. She uses men to signify...


No timeline events available.


Jarrell, Randall, and Christina Stead. “Introduction”. The Man Who Loved Children, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965, p. v - xli.