Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Zoë Fairbairns
Standard Name: Fairbairns, Zoë
Birth Name: Zoë Ann Fairbairns
Used Form: Zoe Fairbairns
wrote and published her first novel before she went to university at the end of the 1960s. In a career closely linked to the feminist movement, she has published novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and radio drama, as well as non-fictional essays, reviews, and political analysis.
This book was Fell's brainchild. Other contributors included Kathy Acker
on Lust (whom MR
admires for the riproaring language in which she writes of sexual violence), Zoë Fairbairns
on Covetousness, Fell herself of Sloth, and...
Friends, Associates
Michèle Roberts
's memoir, Paper Houses, features a huge roster of close friends warmly evoked, some of them long-term commitments and others belonging to some particular period of her life. They include many women who...
Literary responses
E. A. Dillwyn
The Athenæum considered this novel a deeply interesting tale in which the author seems to speak out of the heart of a Welsh peasant.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
2762 (1880): 432
A more recent reviewer, Zoë Fairbairns
, wishes...
Literary responses
Jeanette Winterson
According to critic Hilary Hinds, reviewers largely concurred that Oranges was a notable first novel and praised the quality of its writing and its brilliance, originality, humour, and eccentricity. Literary critics such as John Lute
Literary responses
George Orwell
At the end of the century Zoë Fairbairns
, while acknowledging her admiration for and even her debt to Orwell, admitted to being still indignant about the way that this book equates feminists with fruit-juice...
Michèle Roberts
She was an early, collaborative writer or improvisor of vehicles for street theatre, inspired by the creative spirit of Alison Fell
Roberts, Michèle. Paper Houses. Virago, 2007.
Also at this time she began writing political journalism for Ink and...
Whitaker’s Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons, 1988–2003.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.
Textual Production
Alison Fell
It was Marsha Rowe
, a friend and contributor, who first suggested to her a book on hysterics.
British Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons, 1874–1987.
Michelene Wandor. http://www.mwandor.co.uk/.
Textual Production
Michelene Wandor
This publication was one of a group of four: the others are by Zoë Fairbairns
, Valerie Miner
, and Victoria Nelson
. Three of Wandor's stories are revised from versions which appeared in Guests...
Textual Production
Michèle Roberts
's work with Spare Rib won her an invitation to join the writing-editing collective of Zoë Fairbairns
, Sara Maitland
, Valerie Miner
, and Michelene Wandor
(who were already published authors), working on...
Whitaker’s Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons, 1988–2003.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011, http://solo.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?vid=OXVU1&fromLogin=true&reset_config=true.
By late November 1956: Kathryn Hulme published her best-seller The...
Writing climate item
By late November 1956
Kathryn Hulme
published her best-seller The Nun's Story, about a Belgian woman whose years as a nun included nursing in the then Belgian Congo, but who finally left her Order to return to the world.
Freeman, Gwen. “Conflict of Loyalties”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2856, 23 Nov. 1956, p. 695.
Fairbairns, Zoë. “1984 Came and Went”. Zoë Fairbairns.
Fairbairns, Zoë. “Acts of Violence”. Coming to Terms: A Literary Response to Abortion, edited by Lucinda Ebersole and Richard Peabody, The New Press, 1994, pp. 91-106.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Benefits. Virago, 1979.
Fairbairns, Zoë, editor. Cinderella on the Ball. Attic, 1991.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Closing. Methuen, 1987.
Fairbairns, Zoë. “Covetousness”. The Seven Deadly Sins, edited by Alison Fell, Serpents Tail , 1988, pp. 41-77.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Daddy’s Girls. Methuen, 1991.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Daddy’s Girls. Mandarin, 1992.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Down. Macmillan, 1969.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Here Today. Methuen, 1984.
Fairbairns, Zoë. How do you Pronounce Nulliparous?. Five Leaves, 2004.
Fairbairns, Zoë, and Radclyffe Hall. “Introduction”. The Unlit Lamp, Lester and Orpen Dennys, 1981.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Live as Family. Macmillan, 1968.
Fairbairns, Zoë. “Memoirs of a Faith-Based Education”. National Secular Society.
Fairbairns, Zoë et al., editors. More Tales I Tell My Mother. Journeyman, 1987.
Fairbairns, Zoë, and Jim Wintour. No Place to Grow Up. Shelter, 1977.
Fairbairns, Zoë. “Novels”. Zoë Fairbairns.
Fairbairns, Zoë. Other Names. Michael Joseph, 1998.
Fairbairns, Zoë et al. Peace Moves: Nuclear Protest in the 1980s. Chatto and Windus, 1984.
Fairbairns, Zoë. “Poetry and Drama”. Zoë Fairbairns.