April de Angelis

Standard Name: de Angelis, April


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Caryl Churchill
April de Angelis wrote in The Guardian that this mysterious, powerful play revolves around the need to know and the need to love. It is also the work of a great artist, a late work...
Literary responses Caryl Churchill
CC has been recognised in Britain and the US with several major awards for play writing. As early as 1961, she won the Richard Hillary Memorial Prize at Oxford University . New York productions of...
Textual Production Bryony Lavery
In March 2015 BL participated in a series of discussions at Oxford under the rubric Is the Playwright Dead?, in which theatre people (including fellow playwrights April de Angelis and Rachel De-lahay ) discussed...
Textual Production Sarah Kane
The first number of Frontline Intelligence, 1993, also edited by Pamela Edwardes , included work by April de Angelis , Declan Hughes , Judith Johnson , and Edward Thomas .
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.


About October 1973: The Women's Theatre Group (still in being...

Women writers item

About October 1973

The Women's Theatre Group (still in being as the Sphinx Theatre Company ) was founded in London as a feminist and socialist theatre group; its twin organization the Women's Theatre Company proved short-lived.
de Angelis, April. “Riddle of the Sphinx”. Guardian Unlimited, 10 Sept. 2005.
Hanna, Gillian, editor. Monstrous Regiment. Four Plays and a Collective Celebration. Nick Hern Books, 1991.
“The Amiable Courtship of Miz Venus and Wild Bill - 197”. Sphinx Theatre Company Archive: Productions. 1970s.

September-November 2005: An exhibition at the National Theatre in...

Writing climate item

September-November 2005

An exhibition at the National Theatre in London, Flogging the Jewels, celebrated thirty years of the company now called Sphinx (formerly the Women's Theatre Group).
de Angelis, April. “Riddle of the Sphinx”. Guardian Unlimited, 10 Sept. 2005.


de Angelis, April. “Caryl Churchill: changing the language of theatre”. Guardian.co.uk.
de Angelis, April. “Riddle of the Sphinx”. Guardian Unlimited.