John Braine

Standard Name: Braine, John


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Fay Weldon
Anita Brookner , in the Times Literary Supplement in 1980, called FWone of the most astute and distinctive women writing fiction today,
Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. Gale Research, 1981–2025, Numerous volumes.
63: 444
while writer John Braine has called her a natural novelist.
Halio, Jay L., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 14. Gale Research, 1982–1983.
14: 759
Occupation Elizabeth Jenkins
After the war EJ was poor enough to be glad to take up an offer from Victor Gollancz to read manuscripts submitted to the firm. In this capacity she was proud both of picking out...
Textual Production Nell Dunn
The critical opinion that ND belonged to the school of Angry Young Men associated her with Alan Sillitoe , John Osborne , and John Braine .
Drabble, Margaret, and Nell Dunn. “Introduction”. Poor Cow, Virago, 1988, p. xi - xvi.
The fact that these were each, in different...


1951: The title of Leslie Allen Paul's memoirs,...

Writing climate item


The title of Leslie Allen Paul 's memoirs, Angry Young Man, provided the term Angry Young Men, applied in newspapers and then by critics to a group of largely working-class, socially rebellious, young...

Early 1957: John Braine's novel Room at the Top was published...

Writing climate item

Early 1957

John Braine 's novel Room at the Top was published by Gollancz after eight rejections, on the advice of Elizabeth Jenkins in her capacity as publisher's reader.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
(1 March 1957): 125
Jenkins, Elizabeth. The View from Downshire Hill. Michael Johnson, 2004.


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