Thomas Sedgwick Whalley

Standard Name: Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Hannah More
HM died at the home of the Rev. Thomas Sedgwick Whalley at Clifton near Bristol.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2024, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Herron, Bonnie. "An Old Ballad Monger": Hannah More’s Unpublished Letters 1798-1827. University of Alberta, 1999.
Friends, Associates Anna Seward
Nine years later her meeting with the provincial literary hostess Anne, Lady Miller , marked the beginning of a wide and deep acquaintance with the literary world beyond Lichfield.
Ashmun, Margaret. The Singing Swan. Yale University Press; H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1931.
36-7, 71
She was on terms...
Friends, Associates Anna Miller
ALM's literary ambitions and her self-publicizing
Whyman, Susan E. The Pen and the People: English Letter Writers 1660-1800. Oxford University Press, 2009.
made her respected in and around Bath but ridiculed and despised in London. Mme du Deffand found both her and her husband ennuyeux.
Frances Burney called...
Literary responses Ann Yearsley
More and Elizabeth Montagu admired AY as a primitive, untrained writer whose excellence came from nature, not from carefully nurtured ability: as a phenomenon verging on a freak. More's Prefatory Letter to Yearsley's Poems, on...
Textual Production Sarah Scudgell Wilkinson
The frontispiece of SSW 's 43-page original romanceThe Chateau de Montville; or, The Golden Cross was dated 1 June; that of the 36-page romanceThe Subterraneous Passage; or, Gothic Cell was dated 23 July...


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