In a story called Virtual, a young woman repeatedly encounters an anorexic patient whilst visiting her ailing aunt in hospital. A reviewer wrote that this story remains faithful to the sequence of time; it...
Textual Production
Willa Muir
The series, edited by Lewis Grassic Gibbon
and Hugh MacDiarmid
, appeared in 1935 and 1936. Some reference sources, such as Contemporary Authors, call this work a novel, but it is more like a...
Textual Production
Ali Smith
With her background in academia and her work reviewing fiction for The Scotsman and The Guardian, AS
has produced an impressive amount of literary criticism. She has written critical introductions for reissues of work...
Textual Production
Nan Shepherd
Unpublished poetry by NS
is held in her archive at the National Library of Scotland
, Manuscripts.27438-45. She disliked talking about her writing, and when asked about it she often deflected inquiries in an almost...