Neil Gunn

Standard Name: Gunn, Neil


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Nan Shepherd
Her friends included a roster of Scottish writers: Agnes Mure Mackenzie , Willa Muir , Helena Shire , Neil Gunn (with whom she corresponded), Charles Murray , and John Clark Milne (for each of whom...
Friends, Associates Josephine Tey
JT had little in common, in life or literature, with another Scottish writer, Neil Gunn , her close contemporary, who lived nearby and whose early career ran parallel with hers; but they knew each other's work.
Henderson, Jennifer Morag. Josephine Tey, a life. Sandstone Press.
Publishing Nan Shepherd
This month is the date on her foreword.
Shepherd, Nan. The Living Mountain. Canongate.
The composition of this book had been, she says, her secret place of ease in the disturbed and uncertain world of the second world war and...


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