She published it as Miss S., through her father
's firm, and dedicated it to the king
. She put out a second edition in 1817, as The Mirror of the Mind, and Other...
Family and Intimate relationships
Mary Stockdale
's father, John Stockdale
, also became well-known as a publisher, conspicuous and not entirely reputable. He had worked as a blacksmith and a valet before coming to London and finding work in some...
Family and Intimate relationships
Mary Stockdale
's father, John Stockdale
, having been acquitted for publishing a libel (attacking the House of Commons
over Warren Hastings
), himself printed The Whole Proceedings on the Trial . . . against John Stockdale.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
70 (1790): 582
Mary Stockdale
published for the Author, through her father
's firm
, a work which had first appeared in the Morning Post: The Widow and Her Orphan Family, An Elegy.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
4th ser. 1 (1812): 112
Textual Production
Hester Lynch Piozzi
She had been working on this, or something like it, for a decade.
Clifford, James L. Hester Lynch Piozzi (Mrs Thrale). Clarendon Press, 1987.
She and John Stockdale
, her publisher, wanted badly to have the book in the shops on New Year's Day for...
Textual Production
Mary Stockdale
published her poetry volume The Effusions of the Heart through the firm of her fatherJohn Stockdale
; this was apparently her earliest publication.
Critical Review. W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 5 series.
2nd ser. 22 (1798): 352
Textual Production
Mary Stockdale
(as Miss Stockdale) issued through her father
's firmThe Family Book; or, Children's Journal, translated from the French of Arnaud Berquin
, Interspers'd with Poetical Pieces written by the Translator...
Wealth and Poverty
Mary Stockdale
The death of MS
's father
made a sad change . . . in her affairs, and left her to support her aged Widowed Mother and herself.
Stockdale, Mary. A Wreath for the Urn. Mary Stockdale, 1818.