Spelman College


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Alice Walker
AW left home, on a bus which segregated passengers by race, for Spelman College in Atlanta, a highly-regarded, all-female, historically black institution.
White, Evelyn. Alice Walker. A Life. Norton.
Education Alice Walker
The student body at Spelman College was largely middle-class, and the school cared about decorum and gentility. AW was taught history , including Russian history, by Howard Zinn , an idealistic and politically active Jewish...
Employer Alice Walker
Among AW 's many lecturing engagements was one at Spelman College where she spoke on oppressed hair, that is black hair artificially straightened. She established there an annual Zora Neale Hurston -Langston Hughes Award...
Family and Intimate relationships Alice Walker
The young AW always, from her highschool days, had a boyfriend. While at Spelman College she met two male students attending other colleges with whom she had important relationships: the black Robert Allen and the...
Material Conditions of Writing Alice Walker
AW wrote at highschool and at Spelman College , but at Sarah Lawrence College she found people who understood how writing could be something one had to do, and she began to believe that by...


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