Lutterworth Press


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Doreen Wallace
But the memory of her political (anti-tithing) activity has not always been favourable. In 1997 Adrian Brink (head of one of her publishers, the Lutterworth Press) wrote that abolishing tithes had to some extent...
Textual Production Elspeth Huxley
After her joint work with Margery Perham, EH returned to related topics in 1948, both in a book entitled Settlers of Kenya and a pamphlet, African Dilemmas.
Nicholls, C. S. Elspeth Huxley. HarperCollins, 2002.
In 1954 the Lutterworth Press published...


1932: The Religious Tract Society renamed its publishing...

Writing climate item


The Religious Tract Society renamed its publishing imprint for books and magazines the Lutterworth Press.
McAleer, Joseph. Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain 1914-1950. Clarendon Press, 1992.


Borer, Mary Cathcart. Willingly to School: A History of Women’s Education. Lutterworth Press, 1976.
Hennell, Michael. John Venn and the Clapham Sect. Lutterworth Press, 1958.
Staff, Frank. The Penny Post, 1680-1918. Lutterworth Press, 1964.
Wallace, Doreen. In a Green Shade. Lutterworth Press, 1950, p. 174 pp.