

Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Mary Renault
US critics (perhaps influenced by Pantheon 's advertising campaign, which focussed strongly on MR 's scholarship) took a different line. The day after US publication, the New York Times Book Review carried a substantial review...
Publishing Bessie Head
The book finished, the process of publication unexpectedly spun out into a nightmare. Trouble began when BH requested 94 free copies for her to give, as she had promised, to the people she interviewed. Reg Davis-Poynter
Publishing Mary Renault
MR thought that The Last of the Wine was the best work she had done up to that point—maybe her best work overall in retrospect. She was therefore shocked when Longman requested that she cut...
Publishing Edith Templeton
Gordon first appeared in London in the New English Library, which had just contracted to take books from the once-banned Olympia Press of Maurice Girodias . It appeared in the same year in the...
Textual Production Mary Renault
MR 's novel The Charioteer was published in New York by Pantheon , six years after its appearance in Britain.
Sweetman, David. Mary Renault: A Biography. Chatto and Windus.


26-29 May 1784: The first Handel Commemmoration Concert marked...

Building item

26-29 May 1784

The first Handel Commemmoration Concert marked the centenary of his birth: three immensely popular charity performances were given at Westminster Abbey and the Pantheon .


Bryher,. Beowulf. Pantheon, 1956.
Bryher, and Edith Sitwell. The Fourteenth of October. Pantheon, 1952.
H. D.,. Tribute To Freud. Pantheon, 1956.
Renault, Mary. Fire from Heaven. Pantheon, 1969.
Renault, Mary. The Praise Singer. Pantheon, 1978.
Segal, Ronald. Leon Trotsky: A Biography. Pantheon, 1979.
Thompson, Dorothy. The Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution. Pantheon, 1984.