Rossetti, Christina. The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti. Editor Crump, Rebecca W., Louisiana State University Press, 1979–1990, 3 vols.
3: 449
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Friends, Associates | Adelaide Procter | Other intimate feminist friends of AP
's adult years, in addition to Matilda Hays
, were Bessie Rayner Parkes
and Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon
. Procter was also a member of the Portfolio Society
... |
Friends, Associates | Bessie Rayner Parkes | Beginning in 1854, BRP
and Barbara Leigh Smith participated in a society called the Portfolio Club in order to exhibit and share comment on their own and other women's artistic and literary creations. Other members... |
Friends, Associates | Emily Davies | At Gateshead, ED
began life-long friendships with Annie Crow
(later Austin) and Jane Crow
(from 1848), and Elizabeth Garrett
(later Anderson), from 1854. No letters from her to Anderson survive, although a number from Anderson... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Christina Rossetti | In From the Antique, a dramatic lyric composed on 28 June 1854, Rossetti, Christina. The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti. Editor Crump, Rebecca W., Louisiana State University Press, 1979–1990, 3 vols. 3: 449 Doubly blank in a woman's lot: I wish... |
Leisure and Society | Jean Ingelow | JI
became a member of the Portfolio Society
, to which Adelaide Procter
, Emily Faithfull
, and several other members of the Langham Place Group
also belonged. “Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC. 35 Armstrong, Isobel et al., editors. Nineteenth-Century Women Poets. Clarendon Press, 1996. 401 |
Occupation | Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon | During this time they were part of a Pre-Raphaelite circle of women. Together with Bella Howitt
(and Nanny, who is almost certainly Anna Mary), Bessie Rayner Parkes, and Christina Rossetti, they formed the Portfolio Club |
Reception | Anna Mary Howitt | Rossetti deeply admired this picture, which was Pre-Raphaelite in technique, showing a woman in mourning pose in sunlight, and was inspired by Goethe
's Faust. Howitt's paintings generally focused on melancholy female subjects or... |
Textual Features | Jean Ingelow | Other poems in the work include Songs of Seven, which was published on its own several years later, Persephone, written for the Portfolio Society
, and Brothers, and a Sermon, which touches... |
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