Portfolio Club


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Adelaide Procter
Other intimate feminist friends of AP 's adult years, in addition to Matilda Hays , were Bessie Rayner Parkes and Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon . Procter was also a member of the Portfolio Society ...
Friends, Associates Bessie Rayner Parkes
Beginning in 1854, BRP and Barbara Leigh Smith participated in a society called the Portfolio Club in order to exhibit and share comment on their own and other women's artistic and literary creations. Other members...
Friends, Associates Emily Davies
At Gateshead, ED began life-long friendships with Annie Crow (later Austin) and Jane Crow (from 1848), and Elizabeth Garrett (later Anderson), from 1854. No letters from her to Anderson survive, although a number from Anderson...
Intertextuality and Influence Christina Rossetti
In From the Antique, a dramatic lyric composed on 28 June 1854,
Rossetti, Christina. The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti. Editor Crump, Rebecca W., Louisiana State University Press, 1979–1990, 3 vols.
3: 449
CR 's speaker laments: It's a weary life, it is: she said:—
Doubly blank in a woman's lot:
I wish...
Leisure and Society Jean Ingelow
JI became a member of the Portfolio Society , to which Adelaide Procter , Emily Faithfull , and several other members of the Langham Place Group also belonged.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Armstrong, Isobel et al., editors. Nineteenth-Century Women Poets. Clarendon Press, 1996.
Occupation Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon
During this time they were part of a Pre-Raphaelite circle of women. Together with Bella Howitt (and Nanny, who is almost certainly Anna Mary), Bessie Rayner Parkes, and Christina Rossetti, they formed the Portfolio Club
Reception Anna Mary Howitt
Rossetti deeply admired this picture, which was Pre-Raphaelite in technique, showing a woman in mourning pose in sunlight, and was inspired by Goethe 's Faust. Howitt's paintings generally focused on melancholy female subjects or...
Textual Features Jean Ingelow
Other poems in the work include Songs of Seven, which was published on its own several years later, Persephone, written for the Portfolio Society , and Brothers, and a Sermon, which touches...


1854: Artists Anna Mary Howitt and Barbara Leigh...

Building item


Artists Anna Mary Howitt and Barbara Leigh Smith were invited to join the Pre-Raphaelite Portfolio Club , a group which offered critical appraisals of members' work.
Marsh, Jan, and Pamela Gerrish Nunn. Women Artists and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. Virago, 1989.


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