Books for Libraries Press


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Publishing Margaret Kennedy
The Books for Libraries Press reissued the work in 1970 with a foreword by Malcolm Cowley.
Kennedy, Margaret, and Malcolm Cowley. The Outlaws on Parnassus. Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
Publishing Beatrice Harraden
The stories had first appeared in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
This US edition was reprinted by the Books for Libraries Press in 1970. The volume was highly popular, for a fourteenth edition appeared in 1906...
Publishing Muriel Jaeger
This book was advertised as in the press on 14 April.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
(14 April 1932): 270
Generous advertising continued after publication. Experimental Lives from Cato to George Sand was reprinted at New York by the Books for Libraries Press
Textual Production Virginia Woolf
VW re-published Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown with the Hogarth Press as the first of the Hogarth Essays series.
This series was reprinted in a single volume, The Hogarth Essays, at Freeport, New York...


No timeline events available.


Bennett, Arnold. Fame and Fiction. Books for Libraries Press, 1975.
Bowen, Marjorie. World’s Wonder and Other Essays. Books for Libraries Press, 1969.
Braybrooke, Patrick. Some Goddesses of the Pen. Books for Libraries Press, 1966.
Clarke, Isabel Constance. Six Portraits. Books for Libraries Press, 1967.
Cowley, Malcolm, and Margaret Kennedy. “Foreword”. The Outlaws on Parnassus, Books for Libraries Press, 1970, p. ix - xvii.
Elliot, Hugh Samuel Roger. Herbert Spencer. Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
Ellis, Stewart Marsh. Wilkie Collins, Le Fanu, and Others. Books for Libraries Press, 1931.
Grant, Anne. Memoirs of an American Lady. Editor Wilson, James Grant, Books for Libraries Press, 1972.
Graves, Clotilde. A Sailor’s Home and Other Stories. Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
Graves, Clotilde. Under the Hermés and Other Stories. Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
Jaeger, Muriel. Adventures In Living: From Cato to George Sand. Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
James, Henry, and Pierre de Chaignon la Rose. Notes and Reviews. Books for Libraries Press, 1968.
Jenkins, Elizabeth. Six Criminal Women. Books for Libraries Press, 1971.
Johnson, R. Brimley. Some Contemporary Novelists (Women). Books for Libraries Press, 1967.
Kennedy, Margaret, and Malcolm Cowley. The Outlaws on Parnassus. Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
Ouida,. Cecil Castlemaine’s Gage. Reprint of 1877 edition, Books for Libraries Press, 1970.
Rhondda, Margaret Haig, Viscountess. Notes on the Way. Books for Libraries Press, 1968.
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. Blackstick Papers. Books for Libraries Press, 1969.
Ritchie, Anne Thackeray. From the Porch. Books for Libraries Press, 1971.
Robinson, A. Mary F. The French Procession. Books for Libraries Press, 1968.
Wells, Amos R. A Treasure of Hymns. Books for Libraries Press, 1971.
Wilson, James Grant, and Anne Grant. “Preface, Memoir of Mrs. Grant”. Memoirs of an American Lady, edited by James Grant Wilson and James Grant Wilson, Books for Libraries Press, 1972, p. ix - xxxvi.